Turismo en  Chiloé


It is located 144 kilometers from Puerto Montt, northeast of the Isla Grande de Chiloé. Among its main attractions is Punta Piquén, which allows you to take a walk along the Quemchinas beaches, with pangales and thick foliage, nestled on the Caucahue Channel (‘place of large seagulls’), an island located in front of Quemchi. You can access it by boat and get to know Punta Morros Lobos, where wild birds live, Punta Pinquen, Punta Pescuezo, which has ample sand and a natural tidal pool, Queler and the Estero Tubildad. Queler is located on Caucahue Island, 10 minutes by boat from Quemchi, has large sand beaches and huge pangues hanging from its hills, which face the Gulf of Ancud.

The main access to Quemchi, is by route 5 to 40 kms from Ancud, at the Degán crossing that leads to a modern paved route of 23 kms, which opens the doors to a thousand landscapes and especially to its inland sea where they stand out in its Island sector localities like Mechuque, Metahue and Tac among others.

Source: Friends of the Chiloé Churches Foundation

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